Hey everyone, let’s make wormhole space great again! Wormhole space has been through a lot these last few years. Some people seem content with how things are and some people are disgruntled about the state of anything from brawling to frig holes. For that reason, I feel that it would be extremely useful to run a survey on the current state of wormholes and publish those results here. If we all fill this in honestly, then it will go a long way towards making sure that the future of wormhole space is the future that we want.

I have now closed the form – Analysis and data drop #soon
As a bonus, and as something of an incentive to encourage people to fill it out, I am offering a number of SKINs as rewards in a draw. They are the Scope Syndication SKINs for the Rupture, Maller, Vexor, and Procurer. If you win in the raffle when I publish the survey results then you will be able to choose one by chatting with me on Discord. For that reason, it is likely easiest if you join my Discord but this won’t be required if I can contact you in-game at least.
Adding this quick FAQ in to answer some of the questions I’ve had!
Q: How can we be assured that this is opsec?
A: I would hope that people can trust that I of all people am motivated for the good of WH space. I have no interest in using the data for ulterior motives (nor would I even know how with this data!)
Q: When will the survey close?
A: Haven't decided yet, I'm likely going to leave it open for a week or two and will close it when replies slow down/I have time to sit and analyse the data.
Q: Why do this? CCP doesn't care
A: Nobody has done a true investigation into the sentiment of the WH community in a while. Let's at least try and see how things really are.
Q: Where will you publish the data?
A: Here on my blog. I will likely also provide a dataset (without names) for anyone who can analyse data better than I.
Q: What does x question mean?
A: Go with your gut on how you feel about something. "Eviction-averse" for example refers to evictions in general.
And again, please be honest and accurate. This is about the state of wormholes and the future that we all want. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions at all.
Here are the SKINs that you will have an choice from should you win in the raffle:
Wormholes 4 Life