New year new you, right? Why not use <currentYear> as the year that you finally decide to move into wormhole space? This article is going to be a something of a guide to everything you need to know as someone new to wormhole space. I’ll even be including the fits that I recommend for scanning, rolling and, well, living. This article is coming to you guys as a suggestion by one of my patrons over at Patreon.
I’ll be keeping things at a bit of a higher level than the basics as far as regular EVE Mechanics go here. The scanning tutorial may come eventually but not today. Besides, my krabbing guides and PvP/PvE fitting guides cover most of the rest! If you’ve really never even heard of wormhole space in EVE, it’s an entirely separate galaxy from normal EVE that doesn’t use stargates. You can read about it at EVE Uni or read about why you’d live there on my site. Actually, I’d suggest you have a quick look at this page first then come back to me to get the absolute basics out of the way.
Additionally, there are multiple different ways that you can live in or heavily utilise wormhole space. You can, for example, live out of a single Orca or out of 3x Naglfars and just move from hole to hole krabbing as you go, safe logging each night. You could ‘daytrip’ and spend just a short amount of time inside while staging out of hisec. Some people even live in… Thera. What I want to talk about is anchoring a citadel and truly living in your own little pocket of Anoikis.
- Picking Your Wormhole
- Scanning, Bookmarking, & Mapping
- Rolling Wormholes
- Fitting and Stocking Your Structures
- Diplomacy, Etiquette, and Politics

Picking Your Wormhole
Actually, the first step in wormhole space is choosing what you actually want to do. It’s a bit like designing a ship for a specific purpose and fitting for that. You need to decide if you’re there for PI, making ISK from sites, finding PvP content in either home or the statics, or for something else like nullsec static whaling.
When I say static, I’m referring to the wormhole(s) that you will always have connected to your system. Closing that static wormhole will result in another of the same type appearing quickly. You can ‘roll’ this hole by passing battleships through until it collapses, more on that later. Those statics types will be determined by the class of hole you live in and are further defined on an individual basis. You can check this at
As for choosing the class itself, the only real effect here is the content of your home combat, data, and relic sites. C5 and C6 space are also the only systems through which a capital (no supers) can jump. C1 space is also mass-limited meaning no battleships can jump in but the Nestor. You might also consider class when taking into account the strength of the local system effects which get stronger in higher effects. Really, though, it’s all about content in the static(s).
One more thing on this, don’t buy a wormhole. Just go scanning for a while, you’ll come across a good one eventually!
Class and Static Choices
Class | Options for Statics |
C1 (No Battleships) | Any single kspace |
C2 | C5 or C6 & NS // C2 & LS // C1 or C3 or C4 & HS |
C3 | Any single kspace |
C4 | Any two different wh-space statics. (No C6 & C1 or C2 though) |
C5 (Caps) | Any single wh-space |
C6 (Caps) | Any single wh-space |
So when you pick those statics you should consider what each one will give you. I’ll list the benefits of each one below. Of course, more wormhole will wandering into your own home so you aren’t limited to these. They will form most of your content, however.
Hisec – Having a hisec wormhole connection at all times can be useful for logistics to trade hubs. This is somewhat negated by scanning a chain, but for industrialists or people with PI empires, it’s ideal. This is about as shallow into wh-space as you can get.
Lowsec – I have never heard of a single group doing well with a lowsec static. There just isn’t any real content there.
Nullsec – A nullsec static C2 is widely coveted since it allows C5/C6 ISK making while having instant access to a random area of null for hunting, whaling, and fighting in.
C1 – A C1 static is nearly useless and will be extremely difficult to roll since you can’t send battleships through.
C2 – C2 space ISK making isn’t the best, but it works well for newbros and you tend to find lots of PvP corps through a C2 static these days.
C3 – C3 statics are fantastic for solo ISK making and will always provide a single kspace static for market runs or nullsec roams.
C4 – Connecting to a C4 is useful if you simply want bigger chains more quickly. They have two statics into wormhole space somewhere, but will only (rarely) connect to kspace through a frig hole
C5 – C5’s were, for a long time, seen as the default home for a PvP corp. This isn’t so true these days but C5 space is very good ISK in a small battleship fleet.
C6 – These can be even better ISK making statics for a corp but very few C6’s actually exist and many are taken as farm holes. You might just annoy farm hole owners this way. From a PvP perspective, they aren’t quite what they used to be and are equivalent to C5 space these days.
Other Considerations

While home hole and static choice is going to make the most impact on day-to-day life, there are quite a few other factors that you might want to take into account. Here they are, one by one:
Planets – If you want to do planetary interaction or if you have corp members who want to then this is something you absolutely must think about. Even as a PvP corp I have new members who will ask me how good our planets are. They’re bad, by the way.
System Effect – These are a whole different topic on their own and they’re best learned about by simply reading what they do, I even have an old article about them! The types which will have the largest effect on your home life will be Pulsars (shield holes) or Wolf Rayets (armour/small ship holes). Plan your home defence ships with this in mind.
System Size – Some systems are huge and some are tiny. It can be personal preference, but 100AU warps to every new sig will get old pretty soon
Region – When a wormhole combat site despawns, it will respawn somewhere else in that same region. They don’t have nice names like kspace, but we shorten them. F-R00030, for example, is “region 30”. Knowing which regions might be good for home sites comes from experience and research.
Existing Structures – If someone already lives there then you have to deal with that. Likewise, having 20+ offline POS’ (deadsticks) in the system isn’t ideal for your own potential security if the owners are still around. Note that you will likely have to bash the POCOs if they are already present.
Vanity – On top of real reasons to pick a wormhole you might consider a system name that’s easy to remember such as our own current J123345. Some people might also like the idea of a specific planet overlooking a blue star. It’s up to you!

Scanning and Mapping (+Fits)
Here’s the part where pretty much every wormhole corp can say they’ve had at least one argument. Living in any wormhole means scanning the connections to said wormhole. Scanning those connections means bookmarking them, jumping them, and scanning even more. Without a clear map and a good method of making bookmarks, it’s easy to get lost. You will need to use some browser-based software to make a private corp map to fill in. You can find my specific Tripwire guide here.
Here are the main mapper choices at the time of writing:
Each has benefits and many are drawn to the modern UI of Pathfinder. I personally am a huge fan of Tripwire due to the tree style layout. Galaxy Finder isn’t too bad either and it’s what we’re currently using in [F O X].
Bookmarking schemes are a bit more difficult to describe in short form and you can go as far as you want. Many people like the idea of a ‘number system’ where they end up which a wormhole 6 jumps down chain being known as something like 121LS13. I’ve also seen variants of a name association game where each chain from home had a naming ‘theme’ where various types of words are used. The bookmarks we run with in Foxholers are below and they’re a modification on what Lazerhawks used to use. It has never failed me and it works so I stick with it. Simplicity and readability beat esoteric features in my book.
Scanner Fits
So the obvious thing you need to go scanning in is going to be a scanning ship. Anything with a probe launcher will do, but I highly recommend picking up a proper Covert Ops frigate with a Covert Ops cloak. Asteros can work if you don’t have Cov Ops skills and T1 frigates are passable for your first few days only.
These fits should be specialised ideally, too. You want maximum scan strength and maybe some tackle if you’re looking for PvP and need that emergency warp disruptor for the last few seconds before your fleet arrives. Take a look at the fits below for some inspiration and make sure you stock a few in the hole spare. If you can use any of them then go with the Helios. You could also check out my Astero fitting article.
If you don’t like my fits then identify why and alter your new one to remedy that. These are max strength scanners for fast scanning and warping as opposed to a scanner that might fight, hack, or tank another ship. The use of Inertial Stabilisers here is to meet key align time breakpoints for the fastest warps possible.
[Helios, 2021 Fox Scout - Helios]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Co-Processor II
Scan Acquisition Array II
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Scan Pinpointing Array II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Interdiction Nullifier I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Hornet EC-300 x1
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Pinpointing AP-602
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Acquisition AQ-702
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Rangefinding AR-802
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x16
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16
[Buzzard, Fox Scout 2021 - Buzzard]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Co-Processor II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Scan Pinpointing Array II
Scan Acquisition Array II
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Interdiction Nullifier I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Pinpointing AP-602
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Acquisition AQ-702
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Rangefinding AR-802
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x16
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16
[Cheetah, 2021 Fox Scout - Cheetah]
Overdrive Injector System II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Co-Processor II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Scan Acquisition Array II
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Scan Pinpointing Array II
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Interdiction Nullifier I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Pinpointing AP-602
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Acquisition AQ-702
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Rangefinding AR-802
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x16
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16
[Anathema, 2021 Fox Scout - Anathema]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Co-Processor II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Scan Pinpointing Array II
Scan Acquisition Array II
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Interdiction Nullifier I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Pinpointing AP-602
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Acquisition AQ-702
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Rangefinding AR-802
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x16
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16
As for an even cheaper T1 scanning ship, you could use something like the Imicus below. This features a sensor booster which should be loaded with an ECCM script. Due to the mechanics of combat scanning, this will make you harder to combat if you need to spend any length of time uncloaked. All-in the fit can be bought for less than 10m ISK, too, if you choose not to use Sisters probes (you should be using these).
Simple Scanning Imicus
[Imicus, Simple Scanner]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Co-Processor II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Scan Rangefinding Array I
Scan Rangefinding Array I
F-90 Compact Sensor Booster
Prototype Cloaking Device I
Expanded Probe Launcher I
[Empty High slot]
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Pinpointing AP-602
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Acquisition AQ-702
Poteque 'Prospector' Astrometric Rangefinding AR-802
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
ECCM Script x1
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I x1
Photonic Upgraded Co-Processor x2
Core Probe Launcher I x1

Rolling Wormholes (+Fits)
Another key component to living in wormhole space is to know what rolling a hole is, why you would do it, and how you do it. As I’ve already described, it’s the method of intentionally closing a wormhole using large ships. The most up to date source you can use should be You can generally google the class and ‘mass’. “EVE N766 mass” will quickly find you that info, for example.
An easy way to then read this is to round the value down by a factor of a million and do the same with ships. A wormhole with total mass ‘2,000,000,000kg’ such as that N766 could be read as “2,000 mass”. Then in your in-game fitting window simply take the first three numbers to round down the value from tons to our “Gigagrams” unit (10^9). The Megathron in this screenshot has 196 mass. So if I passed that through a fresh N766 hole ten times there would be “40” mass left and the game would display the wormhole as crit. It is worth noting, however, that wormholes have a random chance to be Β±10% so you have to be careful!
The fit I’m using above is fitted with a Higgs Anchor which doubles the mass on your ship while making you move extremely slowly. Normally most battleships are around the 100 mass mark and turning on a battleship afterburner or microwarpdrive will increase it to 150. This means that a higgs Megathron with prop mod running is 296 mass. Just below the max single jump cap of 300, perfect! (This cap has been increased to 375, see my article) Here are some common masses to expect from ‘normal’ fits, though turning on props or using armour plates will increase this mass.
Ship | Average Mass (Gigagrams) |
Frigates | ~1 |
Destroyers | ~1 |
Cruisers | 10 |
T3C/Battlecruisers | 14 |
Battleships | 100 (Nestor: 20) |
Black Ops | 150 |
DST | 19 |
Now, the process itself is really simple and it’s almost like a minigame. You want to do the final jump such that you land back in home and the wormhole closes. If you fail then you will be lost in the other system away from home, oh no! Anyway… it’s easy to not roll yourself out by following a rule of not jumping a higgs battleship hot out a destab/half-mass wormhole. Once you hit this point you should go one-by-one. You don’t want to have two battleships on the other side when it goes crit because only one will come home. It’s quite typical to go out cold (prop off) and come back hot. Do note that when you jump through a hole, you have to wait 5 minutes before jumping again in that same direction (Wormhole Polarisation).
You can Google this too. “Wormhole rolling flowchart/guide” will bring up so many sites and images that I can’t paste here without permission. My advice is to learn what is actually happening rather than blindly risking ships on every hole. If you mess up and the wormhole is crit and you’re in home then you can always resolve this by using a Heavy Interdiction Cruiser or something else which can go out small and come back really heavy. The HIC does this using a Zero Point Mass Entangler, battleship prop mod, and Higgs Anchor to shift between pod mass and 130 Gigagrams.

Good Rolling Fits
The fun part! If I’m honest this was almost the entire reason for writing this article. I see so many poorly fit rollers these days and it’s a sad sight. I can engage and kill most rolling Megathrons without any danger because the pilot has neuts and nothing more fitted. Fitting your rolling battleships for combat instead tends to be much more effective. A blaster Mega will delete Sabres in about 10 seconds and can turn most blingy T3Cs to paste. Oh, and remember to fill the frigate escape bay with something from my article on the topic.
A quick note: Due to some ships being slightly too heavy, their higgs+prop variants are too fat to fit through 300 jump-cap holes. This limits your roller choice to the “Attack Battleship” hulls below and their expensive variants.
The Megathron fit I recommend below actually uses a medium cap booster. You could fit the heavy instead by using a compact scram, but I do love that extra scram range for getting some cheeky T3C kills. Besides, your hull tank limits the cargo severely so fitting enough cap boosters to make use of a Heavy Cap Booster is a bit awkward. I can personally vouch for this fit being terrifying.

Moving on to Caldari and you’ll be using the Raven. The two schools of thought are a tanky Rapid Heavy fit and something less tanky but with torps. You can find a version of that torpedo fit in my ESS article, it just needs a Higgs Anchor. I would recommend the Rapid Heavies for the ‘mass market’ however. They’re much easier to fit and less reliant on ship knowledge and application skills. Just point and shoot while you wait for backup. Oh, and you have a cloak that can be useful. Some people have these on every roller fit. Make sure you pop the Standard Blue Pill since this is an active fit.
The Minmatar option is a Tempest and there are plenty of ways to fit it with the dual rep version being quite a common sight. Here’s an example which does 1,600 DPS plus scram, web, and grapple. The one I tend to use in my own corp though is a weird hull tanked fit and it’s the only one we use in Foxholers that has an MJD. It’s mostly a throwback to our Pulsar days when we still wanted some semblance of tackle on the ship. Regardless, it works well and I’m happy with the mix of tank, speed, damage, and utility.
To finish off the main set of four rollers, you could also opt for an Apocalypse. It’s not a great idea and the fit I’m providing requires good energy weapon rigging skills, but there are few fits which will actually work on this damn ship. An optimal range and tracking bonus just isn’t very good for close range brawling and your tracking is worse than a Void L Megathron. If fitting is a problem then feel free to change the tracking rig to tank, but don’t touch that plate! The Apocalypse teeters on the edge of the 300Gg jump cap. Without Armour Layering 5 a T2 plate might prevent you from jumping at all.
[Megathron, v8 Rolling Mega]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Scrambler II
Heavy Gunnar Compact Stasis Grappler
Medium Capacitor Booster II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Large Transverse Bulkhead I
Large Transverse Bulkhead I
Large Higgs Anchor I
Hornet EC-300 x5
Infiltrator II x5
Null L x1800
Void L x1800
Navy Cap Booster 800 x8
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L x1800
Nanite Repair Paste x50
Core Scanner Probe I x8
Core Probe Launcher I x1
[Raven, v8 Rolling Raven]
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II
500MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster
Initiated Compact Warp Disruptor
Peripheral Compact Target Painter
Improved Cloaking Device II
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II
Large EM Shield Reinforcer II
Large Higgs Anchor I
Large Processor Overclocking Unit II
Hornet EC-300 x5
Infiltrator II x5
Inferno Precision Heavy Missile x3000
Scourge Fury Heavy Missile x3000
Navy Cap Booster 400 x45
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Missile x1500
Caldari Navy Nova Heavy Missile x1500
Nanite Repair Paste x50
Core Scanner Probe I x8
Agency 'Hardshell' TB3 Dose I x1
Standard Blue Pill Booster x1
Core Probe Launcher I x1
[Tempest, v8 Rolling Tempest]
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Heavy Stasis Grappler II
Warp Scrambler II
Phased Scoped Target Painter
Large Micro Jump Drive
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
Heavy Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Heavy Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Large Higgs Anchor I
Large Transverse Bulkhead I
Large Transverse Bulkhead I
Acolyte II x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Barrage L x2000
Hail L x4000
Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium L x720
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L x720
[Apocalypse, v8 Rolling Apoc]
Heat Sink II
Large Ancillary Armor Repairer
Multispectrum Coating II
1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Damage Control II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Reactive Armor Hardener
500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Stasis Webifier II
Heavy Stasis Grappler II
Heavy F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Large Explosive Armor Reinforcer I
Large Energy Metastasis Adjuster II
Large Higgs Anchor I
Valkyrie II x5
Conflagration L x8
Scorch L x8
Navy Cap Booster 3200 x8
Imperial Navy Multifrequency L x8
Nanite Repair Paste x150
As far as HIC fits go, you can use almost anything. Here’s one that I recommend, despite us just using an old Onyx here in Foxholers because we’re sentimental. This is a Devoter fitted with a cloak and sensor boosters to help offset the cloak penalty. That’s there to help give you that tiny extra chance to scram a booshing Command Destroyer. Otherwise, it’s pretty simple. Put the mass entanglers up and go out, turn them off and come back home with the 100MN afterburner.
If you want a cheaper option instead then try the overpropped bump Stabber Fleet Issue or some Sigils.
Rolling Devoter
[Devoter, Rolling Devoter]
Damage Control II
1600mm Steel Plates II
Corpii A-Type Thermal Coating
Corpii A-Type EM Coating
Multispectrum Coating II
Co-Processor II
Overdrive Injector System II
100MN Afterburner II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II
Clutch Restrained Warp Disruption Field Generator
Core Probe Launcher I /OFFLINE
Zero-Point Mass Entangler
Zero-Point Mass Entangler
Zero-Point Mass Entangler
Improved Cloaking Device II
Medium Higgs Anchor I
Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing II
Hornet EC-300 x5
Hornet II x5
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
ECCM Script x2
Scan Resolution Script x2
Targeting Range Script x2
Focused Warp Disruption Script x1
Focused Warp Scrambling Script x1

Moving In – Ships, Supplies, and PvP (+Fits)
So you’ve scanned around and found a wormhole you like the look of. It’s empty and you’re ready to start anchoring a structure or two. This is the start of something that is going to need uptake for as long as you live there so be sure to make the right choice. I would, however, recommend anchoring an Astrahus for starters. It’s simple and easier to defend as the main home for your ships. Anchoring a Raitaru or Athanor as your only structure will make it look like you don’t know what you’re doing or aren’t entirely serious about living in the hole. Both of these things will encourage attackers who don’t mind waiting out the timers for juicy loot.
As for the larger structures, just take some time to decide if you need them or not. If you specifically want caps then you can always use a POS and hide them inside some Ship Maintenance Arrays. As your corp grows larger you can decide on if a Fortizar is needed instead. There’s just no point in wasting money on upgrades that won’t be used.
So the only other thing to know is that structures in wormhole space have no asset safety. When it pops all the loot is going to drop in cans in a 250km radius roughly. Ships that were logged off and piloted, however, will simply safe log (this is a common way to use freighters to save assets). You can read about structure mechanics at EVE Uni, CCP’s help page, or The key fact to know about, however, is that reinforcement timers are much shorter in wormhole space. It goes like this for a full power structure:
- Shield is bashed by hostile fleet
- 24 hours minimum pass.
- Armour comes out Β±3 hours from your set time after the 24 hours
- Armour bashed by hostile fleet (ideal defence time)
- 36 hours minimum pass
- Wait again until Β±3 hours from your set reinforcement time
- Final structure timer
I forgot to add this in earlier, but you should hold hole control over your connections during the 24 hour anchoring process! Keep those holes closed and close any new incoming ones, This is the safest way to anchor a structure and will keep hostile entities from even knowing there is something to kill. An important fact to note about this is:
– An (outgoing) wormhole does not appear on the other side until you jump it or until it reaches 15 hours of lifetime remaining. You can warp and bookmark it just fine without triggering anything.
Structure Fits
As for some example Astrahus fits to defend with I can recommend two main options. If you know you won’t have a great defence fleet (if at all) then some simple Multirole missiles and fighters will really make a mess of small fleets. The idea is to leverage the power of Standup Heavy Neuts and ECM. You can permajam two logi then neut out another two while shooting a fifth. This effectively sets the minimum number of logi needed quite high. Bouncing those EWAR modules around different targets will also help induce panic and make tanking your 1,500 DPS really difficult while you continue to neut out targets. The only thing to watch out for is your own cap life. It’s only 9 minutes all-in so consider rigs or T2 modules.
The second suggestion is one that makes use of a defending fleet. In this format, the Astrahus replaces the role of a Huginn while still having some ability to mess up logi. Neuting and webbing the anchor will help land web bursts on the entire hostile fleet. This will either help with positioning against a kiting fleet or with application for your battleship weapons. Just don’t take my advice as gospel. You need to know why you are fitting like this and work with it. If you want to see how we successfully used something similar to this then check out my article about our eviction defence.
You can simply scale these ideas back for Raitaru and Athanor fittings as long as you remember the two principles to aim for. Be a dick and disrupt their logistics or make life easier for your own fleet. Oh and just remember that you can’t change this fitting once the structure becomes damaged!
DPS Astrahus
[Astrahus, DPS Astrahus]
Standup Capacitor Power Relay I
Standup Capacitor Power Relay I
Standup Capacitor Power Relay I
Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I
Standup Target Painter I
Standup Stasis Webifier I
Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I
Standup Multirole Missile Launcher I
Standup Multirole Missile Launcher I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup M-Set Enhanced Targeting System I
[Empty Rig slot]
[Empty Rig slot]
Standup Cloning Center I
[Empty Service slot]
[Empty Service slot]
Standup Firbolg I x9
Standup Firbolg I x9
Standup Firbolg I x9
Standup Siren I x3
Fleet Support Astrahus
[Astrahus, Web Astra]
Standup Capacitor Power Relay II
Standup Capacitor Power Relay II
Standup Capacitor Power Relay II
Standup Stasis Webification Burst Projector
Standup Stasis Webifier II
Standup Target Painter II
Standup Cap Battery II
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup M-Set Energy Neutralizer Economy I
Standup M-Set Electronic Warfare Economy I
Standup M-Set Enhanced Targeting System I
Standup Cloning Center I
[Empty Service slot]
[Empty Service slot]
Standup Einherji I x9
Standup Einherji I x9
Standup Einherji I x9
Standup Siren I x3
Supplies to Move In
Since your wormhole is naturally going to be super far away from any reliable markets, you’ll need to stock some supplies once the Astrahus is set up. What you need will be typically determined by the refits for your doctrines and I personally like to have at least a few of every single T2 module, but I run a large-ish corp. Here’s a list of spare ships and supplies to own. You’ll need these for any wormhole that you choose to set up in with bolded ships being more vital. You never know when a suicide roller plus jump dessie combo is what you need to save yourself from eviction.
- 4-6 Rolling Battleships
- 1-2 Rolling Heavy Interdiction Cruisers
- 2+ Spare scanners with spare probes and scanning modules just in case
- Haulers for moving fuel, modules etc.
- Interdictors and Jump Destroyers
- Mobile Depots and Tractor Units
- Spare drones of all sorts
- Spare ammo for ships that you use
- Nanite paste
- Spare POS and/or Astrahus with fuel and core
- PvP doctrine spare ships (if you’re a corp) Article
- PvE ships (because wh-space is lucrative) Articles
- A real home defence doctrine
Like I say, though, any serious corp should be able to put together emergency fits from the modules they have lying around or be able to quickly give someone T1 weapons for their alt. Most null alliances already have this covered and jump routes are available. The thing about being in a wormhole is that you could have no holes scanned or you might have an eviction fleet breathing down your neck. Being able to fit together ships to save yourself from these situations is extremely useful.
That last point I mention on home defence is really important. If you can own the ships required then anyone can support you. People often batphone my corp to help save them. If they can give me ships to fit into their own doctrine then this is so much better than me having to burn useful ships slowly to the entrance. It doesn’t have to be expensive either, as long as you have a plan.
For inspiration, you could use any of the following and fight quite well to defend a citadel grid. You can judge the logi needed with each as necessary. In addition to these, you should have some haulers or freighters to log off with and keep assets safe.
- Tanky Cruise/Rapid Heavy Rattlesnakes
- Cruise Praxis
- Bhaalgorns and Vindicators with any other blaster ships
- Kiting Caracals or Cerberus’ depending on budget
- Several Nestors with Armour Scorpions
- Artillery Hurricane Fleet Issues
As long as you can close range or shoot out past 100km you won’t be shut down by kitey eviction fleets. I’ve also recommended mostly battleships since they can easily reship with the use of the Frigate Escape Bay to fight once again. You’re fighting for everything you have so don’t just lie down.

Diplomacy, Etiquette, and Politics
To finish things up, I’d like to say a few things about wormhole politics. It’s a bit of a different game to nullsec and the players here are completely different. For one, wormhole space is pretty much all about PvP. It may be excellent for PvE, but you’ll find that many groups living here are PvP groups and they use the connections to hunt. That’s not to say that you can’t get by as a “peaceful” PvE corp, just expect to have to defend yourself if you look weak.
Additionally, an unwritten rule of wh-space always used to be that you typically don’t evict other PvP groups. This isn’t so true any more, but it’s always the case that a PvP group is less desirable to kill than a PvE group. So if you are just here to krab then you should look into stocking a cheap throwaway PvP doctrine such as Drakes+Basis or Ospreys. That way if someone rolls into you looking for a fight then you can at least undock and have some fun rather than blueballing them. Nobody likes a salty krab that refuses to fight.
This leads me to something else that most would consider taboo. Just talk in local. It may be giving away intel but if you’re just sitting there in your own home then it’s fine. Same deal if you want to rock up to someone else’s hole to knock on the door and ask if they want a brawl. A side benefit is that if you say no and give some stupid excuse then your entire corp gets to see you do that π Be bold and decisive, my friends.
You might have also heard of space or wormhole ‘bushido’ before. This is referring to a controversial topic of keeping fights fair (where is isn’t a gank or home defence). If you’re sitting there with 5 Battlecruisers then drop 15 Legions plus Guardians then it’s going to feel super unsatisfying on either end. Shipping down to a different doctrine reducing the people multiboxing are easy ways to make the fight fairer and more fun.
Finally, if you want to start making friends and getting to know groups in wormhole space then follow my advice above. You’ll find out who people are and, if you fight, they will learn about you too. If you ever run into trouble or need backup then don’t be afraid to ask a fellow wormhole group.

Great article! We currently have a C1. We had moved into a C2 with a HS and C3 static, and we were unfortunately evicted. We are looking to move back into a WH this year. Any chance I could ask you a few questions sometime?
Of course you can, happy to answer either here or you can DM me on Discord (Laura#1479) or even Twitter if you like.
Additionally, there are multiple different ways that you can live in or heavily utilize wormhole space. You can, for example, live out of a single Orca? How so? wont you stay in space after login off? I’m really wanting to move in to one
If you safe log then you will simply disappear. You cannot have a weapons/combat timer when you do this and it takes 30 seconds
How do wormhole regions work with respect to static and wandering wormholes? Is a static that leads to another wh always/more likely going to lead to a wh in the same region? Same question for wandering?
Regions are roughly linked to class, but that’s about it.
CCP have, thus far, not detailed anything about wormhole distributions and it would take a monumental effort to figure this out. No idea, sorry.
Hi. Want to let you know that your blog is absolutely inspiring. I put myself in the meanwhile a tiny C2 with a static C3 and HS exit. Living out of an Orca currently. I managed to run a Fortification Frontier Stronghold with the passive Gila/Tengu. Struggling with the other sites with the last waves. So, have to improve myself….
Thanks for sharing all your thoughts and facts!
Glad you’re enjoying it! If you ever have any particular questions feel free to ask them on my Discord. I’m also very open to feedback and article suggestions π
Hi Ashy, Thanks for the article (and all your other ones, you write some great stuff).
I would like to multi-box solo move into WH space. I will have a few friends playing casually but mainly me and 3 alts. What class of hole do you think is most viable? Are there many C5’s available? Would a C4 be better so I have more chance of being left alone?
There are many holes available but picking your hole is more about your static(s). I will warn you, however, that living solo in wormhole space can be very difficult and will take up a lot of time.
If you’re up for it, you can cap roll with just one carrier
Good call thanks Ashy.
Heya! Your guides (especially the Krabby ones) have been an incredible help to me in my time in WH. I just thought I would mention a possible mistake. Up above you mention that C4s have “Any two different wh-space statics. (No C6 & C1 or C2 though)”. I’ve definitely come across many C4s with C1 through C6 class holes. Great list of wormholes here: – I have to say your Krabbing guide is excellent and is definitely what made me make the final move into wormholes. Currently flying your Gila C3 fit with huge success! Thanks!!
I think I could have made that bit clearer. I was trying to say that you cannot have a combination of C6 and C1 or C6 and C2 π
Ahh! Right on, thanks!
One of the best WH guides i’v seen in Internet.
Great thanks Ashy!
do you have a short live WH life planning article?
like setting up a base in C2 OR C3 for like 2-3 days or 5-6 days
[…] Living in a Wormhole […]
Just thought you might want to know the link to pathfinder in your article leads to an online pharmacy peddling erectile dysfunction medication. Which is absolutely hilarious to me but likely not intended.
haha, updated it to point to google instead now π
Didn’t realise the dev had quit. You can still build yourself from source iirc.