The Hecate is another one of those ships that does one thing really really well and everyone knows it. With this little Gallente destroyer, that would be extreme blaster DPS at 2km at the expense of nearly all else. Combined with instawarp, a good hull tank, and a microwarpdrive bonus and you can start melting anything from frigates to cruisers and even some carriers if you sig tank their fighters enough. It has also been popularised in recent years by Xtra Squishy to the applause of…Youtube comments.
I’m not going to lie, though, doing stupidly high DPS vs almost anything is super fun. It’s why I love the polarised Cynabal so much and, in the words of a corp member “you could pull a Traynor and kill any fight by dropping a marauder.”
Gallente Tactical Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
3% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed
5% reduction in module heat damage amount taken
Misc bonus:
33% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage
95% reduction in Scan Probe Launcher and Survey Probe Launcher CPU requirements
Defense Mode
33.3% bonus to all armor and hull resistances while Defense Mode is enabled
33.3% reduction to armor repairer duration while Defense Mode is active
Propulsion Mode
66.6% bonus to Microwarpdrive speed boost and reduction in Microwarpdrive capacitor use while Propulsion Mode is enabled
66.6% bonus to ship inertia modifier while Propulsion Mode is enabled
Sharpshooter Mode
66.6% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
33.3% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage
100% bonus to sensor strength and targeting range
66.6% increased resistances against hostile Sensor Dampeners and Weapon Disruptors
You might notice something a little special about that defence mode which completely destroys the Hecate in PvE, a cycle time bonus! Combine that with a bigger sig than the Confessor, trashy T2 resists, and subpar weapons and you have something that is all-round meh at PvE unless you relegate yourself to the easiest content in the game. There is the L4 Faction Warfare mission runner which works, but I’ve never done it and there are much better guides on FW mission running out there.

The Standard Fits
So I said that everyone knows what the Hecate does, right? Let’s take a look at how it does that with a few fit examples of the facehugging 800 DPS+ type. Most people will head straight for the hull tanked version because it has dual web, is incredibly simple, and is just that bit different to most other ships that they own. What I propose instead is a shield tanked Hecate. It’s much better than the hull tank since you can fill out some of those rig slots with the amazing Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer to bring your warp speed up to 6.85 or even 7.82 AU/s. Combined with instawarp that’s just insane and I can promise you’ll get so many more fights simply by landing on grid before they can escape. You’ve still got similar DPS, tank, and utility to hull tank fits so they are few reasons not to use this.
So why don’t I like the basic bitch hull tank? Well it actually has less EHP than a shield tank since a chunk of the tank is locked away behind the defence mode resist bonus, something that nobody will ever use when sharpshooter is available. A hull tank also typically only has one fight in it before it’s time to go home. What’s worse, any attempt to use the low slots with Reinforced Bulkheads will disable your 2s align time with their 5% inertia penalty! Worse still, this cannot be fixed with a rig or low slot since hull tanks have stacking bonuses and not penalties. Each new bulkhead gives more tank than the last so dropping just one really hurts. I’ve dropped my version below which uses a Burst Jammer for some clutch plays but you’re welcome to go dual web or a weapon disruptor instead.
And thirdly, there’s a polarised Hecate. It’s the typical fit that everyone gets excited about because big DPS numbers go brrrr. All three of these fits work by smashing into someone’s face and heating until you win. You just need to be aware of your tiny Void range and be ready to switch to Null ammo if your opponent starts to pull away.
Shield Blaster Hecate
[Hecate, 2021 Shield Blasters]
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Null S x5000
Void S x5000
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Basic Hull Hecate
[Hecate, 2021 Hull Tank Blasters]
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
Rash Compact Burst Jammer
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Small Transverse Bulkhead II
Small Transverse Bulkhead II
Small Transverse Bulkhead II
Null S x5000
Void S x5000
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Polarised Hecate
[Hecate, 2021 Polarised]
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender
Polarized Light Neutron Blaster
Polarized Light Neutron Blaster
Polarized Light Neutron Blaster
Polarized Light Neutron Blaster
Polarized Light Neutron Blaster
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Hybrid Burst Aerator II
Zainou 'Deadeye' Small Hybrid Turret SH-603
Inherent Implants 'Noble' Mechanic MC-803
Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Surgical Strike SS-901
Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB5 Dose II
Null S x5000
Void S x5000
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8

About That Rep Bonus…
Even though I don’t like it I can’t really ignore the rep bonus that the Hecate has since we can certainly do some interesting stuff with it. To begin with I went ahead and created a PvE fit despite the limitations that it has. I’ve gone for blaster+MWD to make use of the bonuses and keep this ship as just a bit different. If you want something that’s truly effective at range with a solid tank and solid DPS then use something like a Confessor instead. Honestly, I don’t know what you’d use this for other than easy highsec content. Regardless, I’ve included some refits in the cargo to improve the cap, tank, or add a web. Again, this is just a bit different but if you’d rather ignore all the bonuses and try using 1MN+railguns then consider what you’re doing and if a different ship would be better.
Second up is the single rep Hecate which has just about enough cap to work. And it works super well, actually! Obviously lower DPS compared to the buffer options, but you can change that if you prefer by dropping the armour resists. This particular configuration tanks about 356 EHP/s which is pretty decent for this hull size, though you can take it further by dropping some DPS or even dropping to Ion Blasters and using a Nanobot Accelerator rig. It flies just like every other Hecate really except this one is point, click, then rep.
Now you might think that the natural evolution from here is single rep -> dual rep, right? As it turns out with that defence mode, dual rep eats up way too much cap for a single cap booster so you’re going to need to address your cap problems straight away. While you’re at it, it’s not too much of a stretch to turn dual rep into triple rep and get some… interesting results. I’ve used T2+ancil to keep this crazy concept fit cheap but it looks like hella fun to fly, repping as much as 815 EHP/s in a burst. This is not the best way to fly a Hecate but if you’re anything like me and you enjoy doing something different for fun then try it out!
Blaster MWD PvE
[Hecate, MWD Blaster PvE]
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery
Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Capacitor Control Circuit I
Null S x15000
Void S x15000
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
Optimal Range Script x2
Tracking Speed Script x2
Cap Recharger II x1
Explosive Energized Membrane II x1
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II x1
Stasis Webifier II x1
Single Rep PvP
[Hecate, 2021 Single Rep]
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Small Capacitor Booster II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Light Neutron Blaster II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Explosive Armor Reinforcer II
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Standard Exile Booster
Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II
Null S x5000
Void S x5000
Navy Cap Booster 400 x30
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Triple Rep PvP
[Hecate, 2021 Triple Rep]
Small Armor Repairer II
Small Armor Repairer II
Damage Control II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
Small Capacitor Booster II
Warp Scrambler II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Small Capacitor Booster II
Light Ion Blaster II
Light Ion Blaster II
Light Ion Blaster II
Light Ion Blaster II
Light Ion Blaster II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Explosive Armor Reinforcer II
Standard Exile Booster
Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II
Null S x5000
Void S x5000
Navy Cap Booster 400 x30
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8

Ranged Rails
As is always the tradition with my articles, let’s finish off the Hecate with the other weapon system it can use, railguns. Notably, it has the same problem which befalls the other T3D’s which is that switching mode can kill you. You need the speed from propulsion to kite, but you need the damage and range from sharpshooter. What do you do? It’s not an easy question to answer because it really depends on the situation. If you get it wrong then the 10-second timer might end up killing you as you are scrammed and popped. It can, at the very least, still perform decently in a long-range support role similar to the Confessor.
To perform in that long-range support role you need to really give up any idea of tank and start relying on sensor damps to not die. Keep them turned off and slam 2x targeting range damps on anyone who looks at you, at least until you can warp or reposition. The fit should do about as well as two equivalent Cormorants or Harpies which is decent enough. It’s not something I’d like to fly but it should get the job done for anyone who wants to just hold some DPS on target for a long time with range flexibility up to nearly 100km.
Trying to get in closer for a bit solo PvP with rails isn’t particularly fruitful as you start to run into either fitting issues with Medium Shield Extenders, the shame of running Small Shield Extenders, or a kind of meh all-round ok armour fit. It’s the armour fit that I’m linking below which runs about with about 7k EHP in propulsion mode and the ability to swap to defence to rep back at 143 EHP/s. DPS comes to 332 at 18-24km and you’ve got that combo of point+web to apply it and protect yourself a bit. Note that you can swap to a better restrained MWD if you have perfect rigging skills.
Overall this was another somewhat boring ship to fit. The T3Ds are somewhat flexible in what they can do on grid, but they all seem to have been designed with relatively niche roles in mind. Or maybe it’s just the fact that they are destroyers which aren’t as flexible as ships with more slots. I hope you guys have enjoyed the T3D rundown anyway, I’ve been meaning to do it for ages!
Rail Support Hecate
[Hecate, 2021 Rail Support Hecate]
Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Co-Processor II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Phased Muon Scoped Sensor Dampener
Remote Sensor Dampener II
Optical Compact Tracking Computer
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
[Empty High slot]
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator II
Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator II
Javelin S x2000
Spike S x3000
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Federation Navy Lead Charge S x2000
Federation Navy Uranium Charge S x2000
Guardian Iron Charge S x2000
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Scan Resolution Dampening Script x2
Targeting Range Dampening Script x2
Optimal Range Script x1
Tracking Speed Script x1
Kiting Armour Hecate
[Hecate, 2021 Kiting Armour Hecate]
Overdrive Injector System II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Damage Control II
Imperial Navy Small Armor Repairer
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
Small Capacitor Booster II
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
150mm Railgun II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator II
Small Transverse Bulkhead II
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Javelin S x2000
Spike S x2000
Navy Cap Booster 400 x20
Federation Navy Antimatter Charge S x2400
Federation Navy Lead Charge S x2000
Federation Navy Uranium Charge S x2000
Guardian Iron Charge S x2000
Nanite Repair Paste x40
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
should probably add that Spike M and Javelin M are kinda useless for a Hecate 😉 Should be Spike S and Javelin S, besides that I like quite a few of the fittings, eventhough most of them will get nuked by a meta Hull Tanked Blaster Hecate.