Let’s talk about the Confessor! It’s an Amarr tech 3 destroyer well known for applying good damage at range with beams and being the king of easy highsec sites. Really, it’s like a more versatile and longer ranged Coercer and that’s pretty damn ok. You’ll also find these things roaming about quite often in Wolf Rayet wormholes. Next to Caracals/Cerbs, they are popular because they do a lot of DPS, have a tiny sig, and you can sit at range because you hate fair PvP.
I don’t mean to antagonise, but that’s just how every Confessor I’ve seen has been flown! Sit at range and warp off once anyone locks you up. We can do better than this! Here are the stats:
Amarr Tactical Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
5% reduction in module heat damage amount taken
Misc bonus:
33% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
95% reduction in Scan Probe Launcher and Survey Probe Launcher CPU
Defense Mode
33.3% bonus to all armor resistances while Defense Mode is enabled
33.3% reduction in ship signature radius while Defense Mode is enabled
Propulsion Mode
66.6% bonus to Afterburner and Microwarpdrive speed boost while Propulsion Mode is enabled
33.3% bonus to ship inertia modifier while Propulsion Mode is enabled
Sharpshooter Mode
66.6% bonus to Small Energy Turret optimal range
33.3% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
100% bonus to sensor strength and targeting range
66.6% increased resistances against hostile Sensor Dampeners and Weapon Disruptors
My favourite part of these stats is that crazy ship signature radius reduction. It’s enough to bring the Confessor down to 43.3m! Mid-grade Halos and X-Instinct makes that 33m and a C6 Wolf Rayet wormhole drops it further to a tiny 16m. We can take this to it’s ultimate end but there’s no point, that’s tiny! For reference, a Capsule has a sig of 25m!

Beamy Bois
Let’s begin with the obvious fits again, shall we? For starters, we have my take on a Wolf Rayet wormhole fit. Long-range, good DPS, good buffer tank, and designed to fly with logi. It works outside of Wolf Rayets, too! If you didn’t know, a Wolf Rayet wormhole offers massive bonuses to armour buffer, small weapon damage, and signature radius reduction. This particular fit is designed to be dual prop, retaining the sig tank while also offering much-needed mobility that an AB plated Confessor just does not have. Just make sure that you utilise that mobility. Burn away from brawlers/ramping Kikimoras and get in close against bigger targets then hit the AB.
Next up we have a slight twist on the typical double nano fit that I keep seeing people use. I don’t like this at all, but it’s about as good as a solo kiting Confessor gets and you can use it in a no-logi nanogang if you like. The change I’ve made is to add on a defensive neut as a last chance GTFO button just in case you can sig tank until you cap them out! My advice would be to always be very aware of your own speed and make good use of that T3D heat bonus as much as you can if you are caught out of position when kiting. And know that anything even remotely anti tackle will melt you instantly. Just fly a Retribution instead…
Another fun fit is the 10MN Confessor. It could be argued that this is better with pulses, but beam tracking is fine against larger targets and it opens up the range of things you can shoot back at. It’s somewhat lightly tanked but should be self explanatory again, orbit the target and fire your lasers! I think this would be a really interesting fit to fly with Snakes since you can leave grid so very easily at 4.3km/s using mid-grades. Pulses will fit just fine if you prefer, but to make that more efficient you can refit the Power Core -> Navy Power Core to drop an Ancillary rig and get some more agility or whatever you prefer in that rig slot.
Some of these fits are a little tight so watch your Energy Weapon Rigging skill. If you can’t fit them still then either use an implant or some simple module swaps.
Wolf Rayet Dual Prop
[Confessor, 2021 Dual Prop WR Fleet]
400mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Multispectrum Coating II
Damage Control II
Heat Sink II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
1MN Afterburner II
Initiated Compact Warp Disruptor
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
[Empty High slot]
Core Probe Launcher I
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Trimark Armor Pump II
Small Thermal Armor Reinforcer II
Aurora S x4
Gleam S x4
Imperial Navy Gamma S x4
Imperial Navy Infrared S x4
Imperial Navy Radio S x4
Imperial Navy Ultraviolet S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x50
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
Double Nano Solo Kite
[Confessor, 2021 5MN Kiting]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Warp Disruptor II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
Small Energy Locus Coordinator II
Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Aurora S x4
Gleam S x4
Navy Cap Booster 400 x30
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x4
Imperial Navy Radio S x4
Imperial Navy Standard S x4
Imperial Navy Xray S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x100
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
10MN Beamy Zooms
[Confessor, 2021 10MN Beams]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Heat Sink II
Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Expanded Probe Launcher I
[Empty High slot]
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator II
Aurora S x4
Gleam S x4
Navy Cap Booster 400 x30
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x4
Imperial Navy Radio S x4
Imperial Navy Standard S x4
Imperial Navy Xray S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x100
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8

Close-Range Confessors
Swapping to pulses instead we’ve got plenty of options to play with here. A pulse Confessor isn’t exactly the powerhouse that a Svipul or Hecate can be, but it does a decent job of doing damage and still brings to the table the lovely ammo that is Scorch.
We’re starting here with a plate+ancil fit. It’s similar to one that was posted on Reddit, though I’ve gone in a different direction here. For one, I’ve dropped some DPS to keep 2x Locus Coordinators. This gives your Conflag a 10km range and your Scorch 26km to deal with kiters. This is particularly nice since it allows you to properly scram-kite using that 1MN AB without running out of the default 6km Conflag range. I’ve also dropped down to just 1x nos since 3-4 minutes of cap life should be enough! If you find that neuts are your biggest problem when flying this then maybe try looking into fitting 2x nos instead.
The second brawler is really simply 5MN 400mm plate scram+web fit. You do very little else with this than approach, orbit at 500m, and shoot. Hopefully, your tank doesn’t run out first. Don’t be afraid of the fitting rigs, the overclocker is there to make sure you can fit an expanded probe launcher and a scoped rather than a compact scram. If you like this then I think you’d do better to try out a Svipul or Hecate instead!
And finally, we have a proper dual rep fit. It’s another case of just orbiting your target while repping and shooting but you’d be surprised with just how much a Confessor can tank! Under Standard Exile and Hardshell II you will rep 480 EHP/s heated with that tiny 43m signature. The only problem here is that it costs the same as 2-3 other Confessors so you’re definitely paying a premium to get that repping power. The cheaper alternative is to swap to T2+Ancil Rep if preferred which should do just fine. Do keep in mind that you’re (once again) a 1MN fit. People might just… fly away from you.
Plate+Ancil Pulses
[Confessor, 2021 SAAR+Plate Brawler]
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
Damage Control II
Heat Sink II
Multispectrum Coating II
Imperial Navy 200mm Steel Plates
Federation Navy 1MN Afterburner
Warp Scrambler II
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Small Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator II
Small Energy Locus Coordinator II
Conflagration S x4
Scorch S x4
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x4
Imperial Navy Standard S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x120
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
Simple Plated Brawler
[Confessor, 2021 Pulse Buffer]
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Damage Control II
400mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Multispectrum Coating II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
[Empty High slot]
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Processor Overclocking Unit I
Small Trimark Armor Pump II
Conflagration S x4
Scorch S x4
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x4
Imperial Navy Standard S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x35
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
Dual Rep Confessor
[Confessor, 2021 Dual Rep Confessor]
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Heat Sink II
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
1MN Afterburner II
Small Capacitor Booster II
Warp Scrambler II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Small Thermal Armor Reinforcer II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Standard Exile Booster
Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II
Conflagration S x4
Scorch S x4
Navy Cap Booster 400 x30
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x4
True Sanshas Ultraviolet S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x120
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8
Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II x1
Standard Exile Booster x1

Other Confessors
Perhaps not the most imaginative header, but here are two more fits, both beam, which are just that little bit different. A spider tanking beam Confessor is the first one and it’s a pretty interesting concept. You need to use ABs to make sure that everyone can safely orbit the FC without pinging off into the distance. You also need to really corral the cats and make sure nobody thinks “I’m going to be a hero and get tackle” as they burn out of your rep range. I’ve not tried this particular setup in-game, but it’s nearly the same as what we use in our Drekavacs in Foxholers. I suggest pairing it with 1-2 Deacons and a Pontifex for the ultimate pocket-sized golden fleet.
And to finish things off is, suprisingly, a shield Confessor. I’m not saying it’s amazing, but this thing is like a tiny Oracle and that’s about it. It does really good damage – 564 DPS to 20km – and can hit out to 72km if needed. Remember that your range is your tank and that you don’t need to maximise your DPS all the time. Sometimes it is better to stay at 40-50km than to get closer and die to rapid lights.
If you came here wanting a PvE Confessor then check out How 2 Krab 🙂
Spider Tank Beam Confessor
[Confessor, 2021 Spider Tanked Confessor]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Multispectrum Coating II
Heat Sink II
400mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Federation Navy 1MN Afterburner
Initiated Compact Warp Disruptor
Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Coreli A-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
Small Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Thermal Armor Reinforcer II
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II
Aurora S x4
Gleam S x4
Navy Cap Booster 400 x30
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x4
Imperial Navy Radio S x4
Imperial Navy Standard S x4
Imperial Navy Xray S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x120
Shield Confessor…
[Confessor, 2021 Shield Confessor]
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
Optical Compact Tracking Computer
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
Small Focused Beam Laser II
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
Small Processor Overclocking Unit I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator II
Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
Aurora S x4
Gleam S x4
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x4
Imperial Navy Radio S x4
Imperial Navy Standard S x4
Imperial Navy Xray S x4
Nanite Repair Paste x50
Optimal Range Script x1
Tracking Speed Script x1
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