The Jackdaw is a boring ship to fit. There, I said it. I had to get that out early because otherwise I’m going to spend the whole article complaining. Nothing about this ship is particularly exciting in all honesty. The tank is OK, range is good, DPS is kinda meh, it’s not particularly fast. The primary use for a Jackdaw is going to be as a long-range kiting fleet fit. A bit like the destroyer version of a Cerberus.
Still, if there’s any ship to underestimate then it will be a Jackdaw. Everyone knows it’s a super ranged light missile boat so you can surprise people and do some magical stuff with the right fit and a bit of sig tanking. Here are the stats you’re dealing with:
Caldari Tactical Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
3% bonus to Light Missile launcher and Rocket launcher rate of fire
15% reduction in missile launcher reload time
5% reduction in module heat damage amount taken
Misc bonus:
33% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket damage
95% reduction in Scan Probe Launcher and Survey Probe Launcher CPU requirements
Defense Mode
33.3% bonus to all shield resistances
33.3% reduction in ship signature radius
Propulsion Mode
33.3% bonus to maximum velocity
66.6% bonus to ship inertia modifier
Sharpshooter Mode
66.6% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket velocity
33.3% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket damage
100% bonus to sensor strength and targeting range
66.6% increased resistances against hostile Sensor Dampeners and Weapon Disruptors
The main thing to look at here is the missile/lock range in addition to the 66.6% inertia modifier. This means that most PvP Jackdaws will end up shooting you from 60-80km while having the ability to instawarp away when they feel like it. That’s pretty handy and it’s good to make use of your natural agility wherever possible.

Standard Jackdaws
Let’s start by going over the basics. The simple Jackdaws that you’ll see anywhere someone asks for a Jackdaw fit for something. For that we have a PvP version and a PvE version which are both fit with light missiles and an obvious shield tank. They are also both instawarp in Propulsion Mode.
The first fit, the long-range PvP version, is probably the most cookie cutter Jackdaw fit there is. You also can’t really do anything else with it at all since there isn’t even 1 PG left to spare without swapping to the rare ‘Canyon’ Medium Shield Extender or a sig blooming Compact MWD. Both options are undesirable. The upshot, however, is that you could rejig this to have slower warp speed and 2k more EHP thanks to a Damage Control. I don’t recommend that, though. The current setup is well balanced and I would only consider changing it significantly if you had a specific goal in mind.
And the second fit is a long-range PvE ship. I’ve gone ahead and created a slightly blingier version than I normally would since that Gist Shield Booster has such a massive impact on the performance. Using this more expensive mod allows you to drop two cap mods, turning this fit into a true all-round sig tanker for low-end PvE content. You can find videos all over Youtube of people flying something similar to this to great effect in basic DED sites so if that’s your jam then give this a go. I’ve seen that auto targeting missiles, as strange as they are, also work very well against the insanely weak k-space rats.
Long-Range PvP Jackdaw
[Jackdaw, 2021 Standard LML Jackdaw]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
EM Shield Amplifier II
Missile Guidance Computer II
Missile Guidance Computer II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
[Empty High slot]
Small Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II
Small Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Sig Tank PvE Jackdaw
[Jackdaw, 2021 Simple PvE Jackdaw]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Gistum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery
Cap Recharger II
Domination 1MN Afterburner
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Sisters Core Probe Launcher
Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II

Fun Jackdaws
Outside of the standard fleet and PvE fits, there are indeed a few interesting fits you might aim for. My favourite of these would be the 10MN kiter. The idea behind this fit is to utilise your agility as much as possible in prop mode to get into a nice orbit and control range. If you do start taking damage, you have a decent amount of tank (for a kiting destroyer) and can even swap to defensive mode to try your best at sig tanking whatever DPS is hitting you. I went with a Multispectrum Hardener here to help that tank out, but you could just as easily make use of a sensor damp for some elite PvP action. Overall it’s a pretty interesting fit and one that I definitely want to try out, I haven’t had the chance to do so yet on TQ. The only thing I really dislike is the lack of DPS. It’s truly anemic so be wary of nearly anyone tanking your damage.
Another fun fit would be a dual prop Jackdaw! There isn’t much to say other than that you should use your MWD for movement on-grid and the AB once on top of a target. Orbit, shoot, see what happens. It’s not a particularly spectacular option but it should work decently well against larger targets. Your lack of web might be an issue fighting frigates and below, though.
If you want to address that web issue, I’d suggest the last fit below! It’s a Shield Extender plus Medium Ancil Rep fit which is totally a buffer fit, don’t be fooled into thinking that this is a true active rep since you’ve only got the 9 charges worth 5.5k EHP in Defence Mode. Your best bet is to utilise those charges around the 30-40% mark in your shield (if the DPS isn’t too high) to make the best use of your shield’s natural regen. This is another pretty balanced fit, just beware of pretty much any other T3D or anyone who can do a lot of DPS to you. The Jackdaw isn’t particularly strong.
If you want a proper active tanked PvP Jackdaw then I don’t have one linked here but you can take some inspiration from the PvE fit, it’s basically the same but with a cap booster + scram web instead. iBeast has a great video showcasing his Jackdaw on Youtube.
10MN Kiting Jackdaw
[Jackdaw, 10MN Jackdaw]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Warp Disruptor II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
[Empty High slot]
Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II
Dual Prop Jackdaw
[Jackdaw, Dual Prop Jackdaw]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
1MN Afterburner II
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
Warp Scrambler II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II
Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Extender+MASB Jackdaw
[Jackdaw, MASB MSE Jackdaw]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Damage Control II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Warp Scrambler II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Rocket Launcher II
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II
Sorry this a bit of a shorter article this time, there just isn’t a huge amount of stuff you can really do with the Jackdaw. It’s hammered pretty hard into that shield kiting niche. Rockets work fine, but there isn’t a huge amount of variation in real fits.
A fun fit i use periodically is a heavy tackle Jackdaw. 26k EHP (def mode obviously) with a web/scram. No one expects the TACKDAW!
That dual prop fit is bad.
Web, MASB – 2xBCU + DC lows. Get rid of the silly nozzle joint rig.
You’d have a lot more control and a lot more damage.
You sig tank, not face tank.